For people who do
not believe in or
experience what could be understood as
Replace the word 'god'
with 'consciousness' or
any other word that
for you could describe a
of the mysterious.
"The most beautiful
thing we can experience is
mysterious. It is the
source of all true art
and all
science. He to
whom this emotion is
a stranger, who can
longer pause to
wonder and stand rapt
in awe, is as good as
dead: his eyes are closed."
Albert Einstein.
When Consciousness Wakes up in Its Own Space
God is a fountain flowing into itself St Dionysius
'Who has prepared this evening meal? asks the seeker. A man, responds the sage.
Dost know his name? asks the seeker. Not I. His name is not spoken.
He is more silence than speech.
He is above name.
What food has he prepared for
this feast?
Himself, no less than himself, says Meister Eckhart.
The moral is that those who live the life of
the five senses never taste this
food.' Meister Eckhart
When the Void Spirals into the Void Meister Eckhart states:
When the spirit turns from all
becoming into the not-becoming....
Then the void shines into void.
In the previous chapter, 'Atman,
Job & the Son of Shame,'
I proposed that within human consciousness lies the potential for a state of
profound self-awareness, wherein consciousness recognizes itself by directly
experiencing its own act of perception.
Meister Eckhart eloquently describes this phenomenon, noting, 'What the eye
through which I see God is the same eye through which God sees me.'
In this chapter, we will explore this qualitatively distinct state more deeply.
The transformative phenomenon discussed here occurs when consciousness
significantly surpasses the first level of basic self-awareness by entering a state of intensified
self-referential perception. Here, in this next level, it becomes aware of being
aware of being aware in an endless loop of feed back.
Inspired by this ancient symbol, I will henceforth
refer to the self-reflective feedback state of consciousness as 'Ouroboros'.
The Ouroboros—one of humanity’s most ancient and universally recognized
symbols—was interpreted by C. G.
Jung as an
As T.S. Eliot articulates:
'We shall not cease from
and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive
where we started and know the place for the first time.'
The existential nature of the ouroboros cycle
equates beginnings with ends, forming a perpetual, self-contained loop. Death
transforms into life, just as creation transitions into destruction. Time itself
assumes a repetitive nature, akin to the continuous rotation of hands on a
The 'Kundalini' This cyclical understanding of time resonates deeply with ancient Indian
philosophy, mirroring the continuous interplay between Brahma's creation,
Shiva's destruction, and Vishnu's careful preservation of balance. The
illustration below reflects this symbolism within Indian yogic practice. Here, the
Ouroboros manifests as the 'kundalini serpent,'
lying dormant and coiled at the base of the spine until awakened through the
yogic introspection of consciously directed awareness.
Expressed in terms of kundalini, the awakening
serpent consumes itself, initiating a self-sustaining loop of profound inner
transformation. This state transcends conventional linear perception, existing
without an identifiable beginning or end, thereby embodying an infinite and
paradoxical cycle.
Furthermore, the serpent imagery discussed here highlights the energetic
dimension inherent in this loop. The yogi depicted sitting amidst flames
symbolizes the intense energy necessary for spiritual transformation. In this
context, the serpent represents the reawakening of humanity’s primal
bio-energetic systems, as explored in the chapter 'Consiousnes
& Evolution.' The
reptilian imagery powerfully conveys the immense autonomous and archaic force
that drives this transformative process.
Spiritual Autophagy
While Meister Eckhart does not directly employ
snake imagery, meaningful connections between Western and Eastern mystical
traditions inevitably arise. Such parallels anchor my continuous exploration and
quest for spiritual unity.
The Ouroboros state of consciousness emerges when
the serpent begins to feed upon itself, symbolizing a form of mental autophagy.
As Meister Eckhart eloquently puts it, man, in his search for god, becomes his
own meal:
'What food has he prepared for
this feast?
Himself, no less than himself, says Meister Eckhart.'
Here the soul is engaging in self-reflection to
the extent that it becomes its own nourishment. In meditation we enter a self
referential state where we to a lesser degree are dependent on outer stimuli.
Instead we get high on our own supply.
As the Meister puts it: 'The moral is that those who live the life of
the five senses never taste this
When consciousness turns inward, 'away from all
things,' it engages in a sustained, self-reflective loop, feeding on its
owen signal, enabling a
profoundly deeper endless mirroring of itself. This conscious loop, in which
'the void shines into void,' has the potential to initiate an
exponential and infinite expansion. As illustrated below, when an
observer—represented metaphorically by a camera—is redirected from external
objects toward itself, it activates an infinite feedback loop.
HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS AS A REENFORCED FEED BACK LOOP In the most advanced and complex system known to us—the
human brain—there exists the remarkable potential for self-referentiality
through all five sensory gates. While, scientifically speaking, sensory
experiences generally do not directly perceive themselves, this dynamic
dramatically shifts during deep meditation or psychedelic experiences.
Just as 'a
rose is a rose is a rose,' in these self-reflective states, our sense of
smell can become aware of itself, our feelings can directly experience their own
essence, taste can savor its own intrinsic quality, sounds can reverberate as
echoes within the mind, and sight, as illustrated above, can gaze back upon
itself. Moreover, this heightened state can even facilitate self-referential
interactions between senses, giving rise to
synesthesia—where smells
can be heard, or light can be tasted.
The Human Sensory PA System A phenomenon that can illustrate introverted attention in
singular feedback is an amplifier connected with a microphone
pointed at itself. When the microphone is busy sensing extroverted sounds
like a singers voice, the system fufils the purpose it was
created for. However, if a sensitive microphone comes too close to the
loudspeaker it is connected with, an explosive sound like a howl will emerge.
The singularity of sound feeding into its own
output radically
overwrites the normal functions of the system. As sensory bio-feedback we
function quite similar to this
self-oscillation process.
Actually a professional PA system is
designed not easily to go into a feed back mode. Even professional stage
microphones for live concerts are designed with a certain dullnes towards
subtler weak sounds in such a way that
a feed back is prevented already in its birth. Evolution has for sure made the
same mechanism for our senses, in order to prevent us from the stand and
stare mode when we were supposed to hunt for calories.
Creating a feedback loop between a microphone and speaker requires three key
components that are similar to a meditative feedback loop:
Firstly, the microphone needs to be placed near or pointed towards the speaker.
Similarly, we need to get close to ourselves and direct our attention inwards by
shutting out external distractions.
• Secondly,
the input sensitivity of the amplifier must be turned up. Similarly, our senses
need to be sharpened and attuned. We can only achieve this heightened inner
sensitivity through intimate and vulnerable honesty. • Thirdly,
when the output volume of the amplifier is turned up, there may be a sound
feedback. The greater power outlet of the amplifier is comparable to the outlet
capacity of a healthy and strong person. When we have an excess of healthy
physical energy, with an abundance of chemical-firing neurons, we may find
ourselves in various states of flow, even in external situations like running or
dancing. This form of feedback is more prevalent in young people.
Within this spectrum, there are basically
two meditative extremes. One pole
consists of sensitive introvert people, and the other of people with lots of
It gives meaning to read the
following quote from
William Blake as a sense feed back happening only when our five
doors of perception are 'cleansed' in such a way that the feed
back enables an infinity function:
"If the doors of
perception were cleansed,
everything would appear to man as it is: infinite." William Blake
Visual Feed
Back A similar feedback loop can be observed when a camera is pointing at itself through a monitor screen.
Below is a video clip that illustrates a
dynamic version of an accelerating introverted loop. The loop in the video is
created simply by pointing a video camera at the TV screen it is connected to.
The fractal, singular, and kaleidoscopic patterns are created by the handheld
camera constantly amplifying its own signal. Tiny movements in the camera create
unpredictable and dynamic changes, all leading towards the Great Attractor of
Isn't it thought-provoking that such a simple act as pointing a camera
at oneself can create such surprising and complex phenomena?
Self-Referential Amplification
Through the Five Gates of the Senses The mirror and the microphone offer illustrative examples of
feedback loops involving light and sound.
In the human body, the awareness of inner sensations and
feelings is typically the first sense to become activated during
introspection. Once you close your eyes, an immediate and
automatic rise of abstract, sense-based awareness occurs within
the body. Amplification of bodily sensations is often the
initial step into meditative self-referential space.
An Indian Master of Meditation in Hoshiarpur in 1995 shared with
me that his groundbreaking enlightenment experience began with a
simple itching sensation on the crown of his head. As he sat
before an enlightened master, gazing at him, the sensation
intensified until it completely engulfed him, causing him to
lose all sense of time, space, and physical boundaries.
Generally, introspective self-referentiality begins with closely
observing bodily sensations. From there, it may extend through
any or all of the five sensory pathways. Common meditative
experiences include hearing internal sounds or seeing visual
phenomena. Even the senses of taste and smell, though less
frequently activated, can become prominent. For instance, Indian
Sufis have developed meditations focused on experiencing various
flower fragrances.
Self-Referential Thoughts Alongside sensory feedback loops, there exists the
possibility of thought feedback. Rational thought typically
prefers linear structures, yet cyclical repetition of a
spiritual concept or a mantra can draw thoughts into the
infinite ouroboros loop.
A Healthy Soul in a Healthy Body In this context, enlightenment can be defined as the
singular feedback of consciousness into itself. Here, Rumi’s
metaphor of "polishing the mirror" becomes essential.
Consciousness, together with its capacity for high-quality,
focused experiences, must reach a critical point—a point of no
return—to enter this singular feedback state. Conversely, a dull
or inattentive consciousness will struggle to reach such
profound depth.
Thoughts as Sounds
Even the thinking mind can be guided into a self-referential
loop. Repetition of a mantra—whether silently or aloud—engages
the meditator in sound-based meditation. In continuous
repetition, the cognitive meaning within thoughts fades, leaving
only the pure sound itself. Fundamentally, thoughts are auditory
phenomena. Techniques such as the initial inquiry of "Who am I?"
similarly leverage thought-based meditation practices to
dissolve cognitive structures.
It's important to note that the quality of self-referential
amplification depends on the quality of attention given. Dull and low-quality
concentration cannot reach the point of no return, which is necessary for
consciousness to enter the state of singular feedback. An attention interface
that is too obsessed with chasing external objects will only meet with boredom
when looking inside.
This state of singular feedback, which I define as
enlightenment, occurs when consciousness is amplified into consciousness in such
a way that it comes close to the singularity. The capability of high-quality
experience in consciousness and its correlation with time-space is necessary for
consciousness to reach this point.
Two forms of meditative feedback In a regular meditation session, most of us will only experience a
full-blown explosion of pure consciousness in rare cases.
However, less can also do. When turning inward, the level of
feedback intensifies, not enough to go into a singularity but
enough for us to feel blissful and relaxed. The Indian called
this state Sat Chit
The synaptic dance of the
The ancient symbol of Ouroboros, the serpent eating its own
tail, represents the cyclical nature of life, and in the context
of neurochemistry, it can also represent the continuous feedback
loop of signaling chemicals in the brain. When we meditate, we
can experience a range of feelings from relaxation to ecstasy,
which can be explained by the activation of the brain's
signaling chemical circuits. In this sense, life's purpose could
be seen as the pursuit of a cocktail bar of signaling
substances, each with its own unique effect, such as serotonin,
dopamine, GABA, acetycholine, DMT, and many others. With up to 200 different
chemical neurotransmitters keeping the party of life going, the
possibilities are endless.
Psychedelics and sense-feedback Interestingly, people who use entheogenic substances often report profound experiences of eternity and
divinity. This is because these substances increase the
sensitivity of the brain's five input circuits, resulting in an explosion of
a multitude of self-referential feedback loops. The similarities
between meditative and psychedelic experiences is rooted in the
world of feedback interfaces. In both cases, sensory impressions
are intensified to the point that a singular feedback loop is
inevitable, leading to visions and experiences beyond the
However, just as a PA system can become overwhelmed by feedback
if not properly managed, our minds and bodies must be robust to
handle the intensity of self-aware states without losing
balance. This analogy underscores the
importance of maintaining both mental and physical health to
sustain deeper levels of awareness. This holds especially true
for people who experiment in the sweet spot between psychedelics
and meditation.
The black hole of the Soul When the human created space-time created simulacra consciousness in such a loop begins to chase
its own tail, wakefulness accelerates in intensity. It can be illustrated by the
acceleration of gravity and breakdown of traditional natural laws that happens
in front of a black hole. I do believe this is more than a mere analogy. The
cosmos is consisting of reuse of mathematical algorithms on all levels from the
infinite small to the infinite big. We are in this sense a mini galaxy with a
black hole in our soul. We fear the hole as death and at the same time we are
attracted to its attraction. The brain-derived possibility of Atma-consciousness
in feed-back singularity falls in love with the grand attractor abiding in
ding an sich. This is the needle
point where death and life meet in a dance room beyond time and space as we know