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How to deal with Thoughts

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How to deal with Thoughts in Meditation

"I could be confined in a nutshell,
and count myself a king of infinite space,
were it not that I have bad dreams."
— Hamlet, Shakespeare

Never Fight Thoughts in Meditation

we think as we feel

we feel as we think

When thoughts arise during meditation, it is very important not to fight them. In an open confrontation with thoughts, you will always be the loser in the sense that any attempt to push an annoying thought away will result in it bringing reinforcements from a swarm of new thoughts. So... If you can't beat them—join them!

It Takes Energy to Think

It requires mental energy for the brain to produce thoughts. This energy will be taken from the same energy source that your consciousness draws power from. Imagine your consciousness as a light bulb connected by a power cord. When thoughts draw power from this cord, the light in the bulb dims. Because of this "thought theft" of power, consciousness loses its clarity. When there are many thoughts, we usually slip into a semi-awake, daydream-like state, where the first thing to disappear is our meta-ability to realize we are thinking. When thoughts grip us in meditation, we are actually on a slippery slope into the realm of sleep.

How to Relate to Thoughts in Your Meditation - The Secret

There is, however, a very effective secret weapon against thoughts. This weapon is, moreover, itself a thought, a thought that in its "meta-direction" actually betrays its own kind.

This thought is the meta-thought: "I am thinking."

The simple and ingenious thing about this little thought insight is that the power of thoughts over you is significantly reduced the moment you are aware that you are thinking. The moment this clarity is present, the power returns to the light bulb of consciousness, and you will be able to perform your next ingenious move—namely, to see your thoughts as:

"clouds in the sky."

Without the light of your consciousness, you will instinctively chase your thoughts like a dog runs after a bone. And in this chase, you quickly get lost in the thicket of thoughts. The good news is that the moment you are aware that you are thinking again—the battle is almost won!

However, there is a small pitfall even after you become aware that you are thinking. This typical pitfall is that you begin to create a drama with yourself in the lead role as the one always plagued by thoughts in your meditation. My advice here is: Do not spend energy or time on this drama. Every time you realize you have fallen into the thought ditch, just climb back onto the path again. Do not spend time sitting and lamenting in the thought ditch. Just climb back onto the path again. And when you fall into the ditch again, just climb back onto the path again. And after you have fallen in the first million times, which you surely will if you make meditation a part of your life—just climb back onto the path again. Look between the thoughts instead of at them.

"The mind can make a Heaven
out of Hell or a Hell out of Heaven."
— Milton



One of the neocortex's main tasks is thinking. The left hemisphere's neocortex produces the thoughts that continuously pursue us during waking hours.
The neocortex is incredibly complex, with neurons creating more connections than there are particles in the universe!
Survival Think Tank

Thoughts strategize how we survive our encounter with the world. Thoughts create realistic scenarios of potential futures. They are survival strategies created by our latest brain layer, the neocortex.
Thoughts Tell Us Who We Are

Beyond survival, thoughts have another crucial function: they tell us who we are, where we came from, and where we're going, along with the strategies and means for survival. Without thoughts, we wouldn't know who we are. The thought-created 'I' with its survival strategies is the main character in a narrative stretched between past and future.
I Think, Therefore I Am... Not!

Energy Resource Competition Among Life Functions

These life functions, depicted with the spinal centers, all require energy. It takes energy to think, run, feel, and be conscious. It's well-known that physical activity is energy-intensive. Less obvious is that thinking is also highly resource-consuming.

The experience of sensual 'consciousness-now' and thought stories both require resources, competing for our energy.