What is Meditation

Meditation Techniques

Spiritual Inspirators


Western  Mystics

What position should I choose
Simple beginner Meditation
How to deal with Thoughts
Group Meditation
Healing Hands
Music Meditation


Open-Eye Meditations
Meditative Pixellation Protocol
Amygdalian Death Meditation
Breathing Techniques
Mantra Meditation
Who am I


Read first
the chapter:
Meditative Pixelation

I also recommend you to
read the chapters

'The Mystery
of Awareness'

in order to get
a better understanding
of the techniques I will
walk you through here.

Read also
the chapter
Integral Suffering
and Happiness

For people who do
not believe in or experience what could be understood as 'god':
Replace the word 'god'
with 'consciousness' or
any other word that for you could describe a sense
of the mysterious.

"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed."

Albert Einstein

Meditative Pixellation Protocol - a Way of Living

Observing inner energies should be an essential part of a life in meditation. There are countless ways to do this, and over time, you will develop techniques that are uniquely tailored to you. I will now outline some pathways to help you get started on this glorious inner journey. This will be done in a mix of actual meditation guidance and explanatory text. Please have patience in this regard. I believe that this form is the best way to lead you into this strange and yet so familiar world.

What our Amazing Hands can Tell us!
Let’s now initiate a concrete meditative pixellation experience starting with our hands. Hands are cardinal when it comes to the exploration of sensory energy. Unlike other areas in the body, such as a stomach full of butterflies or a heavy chest, hands generally serve as a 'safe space' for inner exploration. It either feels neutral or pleasant to experience the energy in our hands. As a general rule, none of the energy phenomena in your hands can be described as painful. It is only in rare cases that hands harbor unpleasant energies and in such situations the hands most often feel too hot in the form of a burning sensation.
Our hands are evolutionarily created as hot spots full of sensory 'energy'. In this sense, hands are highly aware parts of the body compared to areas like the shoulders and the back. Hence, I recommend that beginners use the exploration of the neutral but strong 'energy' in their hands as a starting point for inner space travel. We could call this practice "homunculus meditation," in accordance with the map displaying the areas and proportion of the hands' neurological importance in sensation.
Humunculus Meditation
After reading the next lines, close your eyes. Fold your hands together in any way you like, as long as they are in contact with each other. Observe from the inside what is happening in the area of your hands holding hands. Let this process include both the awareness of the skin's outer energy sensations and the more abstract phenomenon of energy inside and between the hands. Let your inner awareness rest here for a few minutes or longer if you feel like, then come back.
With your eyes open again, read the next part:
Did you notice that as soon as you bring awareness to your hands with closed eyes, the energy in them begins to intensify? This phenomenon is what is encapsulated in the previously mentioned saying, "Where the attention goes, the prana flows." Intertwined hands are one of the easiest places to discover and explore an incredible ability we all possess: an energy-charging mechanism triggered by pure, simple aha-awareness. Initially, you might feel your hands becoming warmer, colder, heavier, lighter, itchy, or tingling. However, when observed with constant awareness, all these sensations seem to merge into each other, forming what could be described as an abstract ball of energy with its own morphing life. The deeper we get into a meditative pixellation of our various sense-registrations, the more they are able to merge into each other.

In the next little session I invite you to observe and explore the sensations coming from the surface of the skin in your hands. Now fold your hands and close your eyes once more for a while.

After coming back: Did you notice that the skin borders between your hands seem to disappear when the energy, as a ball of oneness, makes the hands merge into each other? Our external senses tend to divide everything, while the internal senses, at least as experienced on a subjective level, seem to unify everything. As perhaps the most close and intimate sense, the mechanism of skin sensationing seems to be able to do both. As you sit with closed eyes, observe how the exteroceptive skin sensations of sitting, the places where you are in contact with the pillow or chair, seem to blur into oneness. This oneness also includes the interoceptive sensations of the inner body in the same area. There seems to be an evolutionary link between outer skin sensations in a given body area and an enhanced ability to feel the deeper 'energies' emerging from the organic life beneath the skin.

Now is that not amazing how much we can 'learn' or rather unlearn from just simple observations of hands holding hands?

Close your eyes again for a few minutes and verify again for yourself how awaring hands in hands plays out in your inner laboratory. Remember to base your meditation practice on what you yourself are able to verify, not on what I or others say to you. In meditation, we get inspired from outside, but we only follow the voice(s) from inside.
Let me, in this context, make a claim for you to test: Just by the very act of closing our eyes, we unify ourselves and, through that, the world. This simple act is the beginning of the doors of perception being cleansed, leading to life becoming infinite. By holding your own hands, you make peace with yourself in the morphing, growing ball of abstract energy. Now, can you imagine what happens when you hold another person's hand? I leave it to you to explore the expanded adventure of holding a friend’s or even a stranger’s hands in a state of meditative pixellation.
Lying down is the best Position for Energy Exploration in the Body  

When we sit upright in a traditional meditation position with crossed legs, we deliberately block the flow in the lower part of the body and create an upward stream of energy. In a lying position, the energy flows more freely in the body as a totality, but in a trade off where we become more body-aware while generating less consciousness.

For the exploration of the inner body, it is hence recommendable to lie on your back on a flat surface. Use a mat or a relatively hard madras. Do not use a pillow under your head, as it will bend your neck and block the energy flow between head and body. The inner flow of attention is closely connected to the body’s position, so it's also important to lie symmetrically. Any asymmetrical body position will block or distort the inner flow of energy. Even your hands, fingers, and feet should adopt symmetrical positions. Prana loves symmetry!

Lie for a little while as shown in the illustration.
Close your eyes for a some time and initiate a preliminary body-scan. Localize the nameless dark energies from your feet to the top of your head and then from the tailbone to your throat. Notice that the character of sense-energy changes with every centimeter. The dark energy in the ring muscle in the anus feels very different from the energy in the stomach area or the area around your neck.

The 'axis mundi' of dark energy runs from the anus to the top of the head. Some of these areas are hotspots for energies that can be difficult to contain in neutral awareness, as they can be highly intense and even unpleasant. You might then ask why you should engage with these energies. The reason is simple: the more unpleasantness you can contain and digest in your field of awareness, the stronger the emotional healing process in your body will be. We feel to heal.

However, you will need the bravery of a warrior to successfully 'hunt' and heal the energies within the body’s kingdom. With each minute, day, month, and year, you will become better at this practice. It is truly an art where you are both the artist and the masterpiece.

Helping Hands
As this task is not an easy one, I recommend utilizing the strong and safe energy of our marvelous hands.

Place your hands on your body in a location of your choice: it could be the stomach area, solar plexus, or lungs. You can place one hand on top of the other or intertwine your fingers. First, allow the generation of the previously mentioned ball of energy to take place in the area of your hands. Then, invite this ball to enter the body at the place where you have placed your hands. If the bodily sensations occasionally get too overwhelming, you can always guide the awareness-energy back into your hands again.

After some time, come back and reflect on what you experienced.

Are You a Multi or Single-Tasker?
It is now time for a little personality test. Go back into meditation with your hands placed on your body after reading this next suggestion: After first becoming aware of the energy in your hands and their interaction with your body, be open to simultaneously feeling any other sensation from head to toe. It could be the one created by the skin's contact with the surface you lie on. You can also experiment with awaring both hands and feet at the same time.

After returning to this text, I have a question for you: Were you able to simultaneously be aware of both the abstract skin sensation created by lying down and the energy ball in your hands interacting with your body? Could you feel both your hands and feet in one go?
 In general, there are two categories of interoceptive awareness types here. Some are able to effortlessly multitask, while others prefer to focus on one area of the body at a time. No type is superior here. It is just a matter of knowing what type you are in this moment and cooperating with that in your meditation.

Follow the Flow or Let the Flow Follow You
In the next session, allow this energy phenomenon the freedom to move to whatever place in the body it 'wants' by its own accord. Also, experiment with a more willed way of directing the awareness where you want it to go. The inborn bio-system of attention has the same ability as our breathing to be both autonomous and willed.

Explore these two possibilities for as long as it takes. Take several rounds of experiments before coming back to the text.

An amazing feature of the energy flow is that it follows our attention. However, the reverse is also true: where the energy flows, our attention goes. When our attention begins to follow the energy, the process, like our breathing, becomes autonomous. It takes on an intelligent life of its own. It is certainly possible to deliberately choose the direction and place for our body scan to move, but allowing the energy to guide our attention can be much more interesting and effective from a healing perspective. The amazing thing is that the body knows much better how to heal itself than we do. So allow yourself to be yourself and, in this process, be taken by yourself.

Let your Awareness take the Lead
On the next journey we embark upon, I invite you to set your attention free to explore on its own. Once the energy ball in your hands is invited inside your body, let it move its own dance. Maybe the attention-field will go to your feet, maybe to the top of your head. Slowly, you will get accustomed to trusting the inherent intelligence in these autonomous awareness movements, and you will be able to surrender more and more to them without interfering in their work.

Let me give you a little example. Once, years ago, I was scanning the energy body in meditation. Then I noted a tiny sensation like a subtle pinprick in my forehead. I ignored it because I was busy scanning my body in a willed slow movement from toes to head. However, the pinprick sensation continued, so out of curiosity, I gave up my scanning project and allowed my attention to wander to the tiny sensation in my forehead. Immediately after my awareness was set free to go to that place, the sensation grew stronger and stronger, and suddenly a portal to vast peace and bliss opened at that spot, leading me into a wonderful state of being meditated by that wondrous phenomenon.

So, by all means, we do our deliberate body scans, but the real fun happens when we let go of the control of where to focus.

The Spatialization-Exploration: Where is the Energy Located?
Now, aware of the body-stage on which this inner life-drama is set, we can begin on a new exploration and that is to spatially pinpoint our emotions and interoceptive sensations. This we can do, both by directing our attention to different body-part with our will and with letting our attention go its own ways.

This marvelous spatialization exploration is described in detail in the chapter "
Ouroboric Super-Awareness." (It would be a good idea to read that text before you proceed.)

Now let us begin with the one percent of feeling sensations for which we have coined actual words. The task is:

Where in my body do joy, pain, anger, love, envy, a fear reside?




With warm regards,
Gunnar Mühlmann