What is Meditation

Meditation Techniques

Spiritual Inspirators


Western  Mystics

What position should I choose
Simple beginner Meditation
Meditative Pixelation
Breathing Techniques
Mantra Meditation
Who am I

How to deal with Thoughts
Group Meditation

Open-Eye Meditations
Healing Hands
Music Meditation



A Simple Beginner Meditation

The single most important thing that can bring you into meditation is to do one simple thing:

Close your eyes for a minute...

After opening them again, read the next lines:

Did you notice? The moment you close your eyes, the inner sensation of the body intensifies. This happens automatically because the large amount of mental energy used for seeing is now free to be utilized in sensing. Due to this surplus energy, your sensory awareness spontaneously dives deeper into your inner body realm.

Now close your eyes again for a little while...

After opening them again, read the following:

In the next closed-eyes session, I would like you to do one more simple thing: Allow yourself to be present in an innocent and spontaneous awareness. Do not control this awareness by directing it to certain places. Just be aware that you are aware, in a kind of "aha" state.

Now close your eyes for a little while...

After opening them again, read this:

Did you notice that awareness grows by being aware of itself? If you did not, that is perfectly okay! Whatever you experience for yourself is more valid than what I write. Embrace simple awareness in whatever form it comes.

Now close your eyes for a little while...
After opening them again, read this:

Now comes the next step. By being aware of being aware, the awareness of inner body sensations also grows. Observe this inner world through innocent "aha" sensation.

Close your eyes again for as long as you like.

After opening them again, read this:

Did you notice muscular tensions you were not previously aware of, small unpleasant sensations, even pain? And beyond that: Did you notice the ever-morphing micro-life inside of you? Just be with all that without changing anything.

Close your eyes again for as long as you like. After opening them again, read this:

Did you notice all sorts of thoughts? When you engage with them, your awareness drops into a more daydreamy state. This happens because thinking requires energy, and this energy is taken from the awareness operative system. However, after some time, there will come a brief moment where your awareness peaks again by itself. In this second of returned awareness, you can have the meta-thought: "Ahh, I was thinking." This split second is of utmost importance because only here will you find the stepping stone that can bring you back to the simplicity of being aware of awareness and inner bodily sensations. So, every time you become aware that thoughts have lured you away from that simple "aha" state of felt observation, just return to the inner body.

Close your eyes again for as long as you like. Then open them:

Did you notice the interplay between sensing and thoughts? Observe carefully and come to your own conclusions.

Take a dive again before reading the next:

You now stand on the threshold of a sensory journey into the dark oceanic space of the body, where we are, more than anything, living and morphing waves of sensory 'energy' from the primordial ocean. Isn't it strange that the emotional life we encounter here can be so strong and yet so enshrouded in unconsciousness that we are often unaware of how much it controls our lives?

Meditation is a dedicated and lifelong investigation into the inner body space, where we, in simplicity, with "aha" awareness, phenomenologically register what lies hidden in the interoceptive body world.

What can I experience here?

When I direct my attention and consciousness outward, I name what I feel: love, peace, anger, insecurity... all are labels I use in my daily interaction with the world.

My question now is:
What are these feelings really when I turn my phenomenological investigation inward?

In Feedback with the Primordial Ground

"When you look into the primordial ground,
the primordial ground looks back at you."
— Nietzsche

After reading this section, close your eyes again. Feel the many different sensations on the surface of your skin. Feel your feet, legs, hands. Let your attention wander through the landscape of your skin. Also, feel the sensation of clothes on your body. You might even feel the sensation of hair on your head and the feeling of your face meeting the air around you. When you let your innocent attention make these simple observations with closed eyes, the experience will spontaneously intensify. Attention creates a feedback amplification of sensation.

This feedback is a crucial quality in meditation.

It is this very spiral feedback that means you fundamentally do not need a teacher to guide you. You are given the direction for your next step in the echo that comes when, as Nietzsche says, you call into the primordial ground, and it answers you shortly after.

However, there is a crucial difference between Nietzsche and meditation. Nietzsche 'looks' into the primordial ground. In meditation, we 'feel' it, we 'sense' it.

It is like sunlight. You can see sunlight, but you can also feel its warmth on your skin.

Now enjoy your inner sunshine with closed eyes!